ASK Consultores

Emotional intelligence

Objetivos del curso

Get to know the E.I. dimensions and competencies, filling out the EI Self-Assessment tests by each participant and to be conscious of the importance that E.I. has for professional success and personal well-being.

Contenido del curso

Emotional Intelligence:

Concept and Nature. What competencies are.

The importance of personal reasons and motives.

What does emotional professional success depend on?

The intellectual Quotient.

The relation between the student record and the professional performance.

Emotional Intelligence Dimensions (map of competencies: personal and social).


Personal dimensions:

Fist Dimension: Self-Awareness.

Emotional Awareness. Accurate Self-assessment.


Second Dimension: Handling Emotions

Self-Control. Trustworthiness/Conscientiousness.

Responsibility. Adaptability. Innovation.

Third Dimension: Motivation

Achievement Drive.Commitment. Initiative and Optimism.


Social dimensions:

Fourth Dimension: Empathy:

Understanding Others. Developing others.

Service Orientation.

Leveraging Diversity. Social/Political Awareness.

Fifth Dimension: Social skills

Influence. Communication. Leadership. Change Catalyst.

Conflict management. Building Bonds.

Collaboration and cooperation. Team Capabilities.


How emotional intelligence is developed:

How to develop the emotional competencies.

Rules to develop emotional competence.


Action plan:

Preparation of plans to improve emotional competencies. Goal making.

Emotional intelligence

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